Monday 14 March 2011

Evaluation Questions - 1 (George Peat)

What did you make, who did you work with and where did the original idea come from?

Our team (Me, George Evans and Callam Montgomery) is going to make a zombie film entitled 'Dawn of the Zombie'. We were inspired to make a zombie film via it being our favourite sub genre in the horror genre since it can be seen as a lot more believable than other areas such as vampires, were wolves, monsters etc; especially when put into a modern day setting in common environments. Our favourite zombie films are those by George A Romero, the Dawn of the Dead remake by Zach Snyder and 28 Days Later by Danny Boyle. We tried to show aspects of these films in our own, via the use of gorey make up and running zombies. Another film which we could have aspects from is Alien by Ridley Scott since we have a tough female lead. We researched the zombie sub genre on IMBD and looked at who views this type of film (young adult males mostly) and decided to combat this by making the lead female so that the film would attract female viewers.

Our production has gone well with each member contributing well in numerous areas, whether it is directing, editing, sound production, casting, or other areas. Our cast at first consisted of  friends Rachael, Chris, Ewan, Rosie, Aeli-Mai and Nay; however our first shoot did not look well when put on screen due to bad framing and a few other factors so we refilmed. The original cast (apart from ewan) was not able to make the filming date so we used a completely new set of actors/actresses to re film and massively improve on what we first made.

Dawn of the Dead (remake)

This intro represents the sort of gore and zombies we wanted. But not the filming style.

Our title shot for Dawn of the Zombie.


A screen shot from one of our inspirations 28 Days Later, the chase scenes were a major inspiration

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