Tuesday 25 January 2011

Sound Practice for starting sequence

Within our first attempt using Garage Band, we decided to try and create the music for the starting sequence.
In our opinions we would like to achieve an eerie feel to our music to cause distress in the background whilst the girl is on the end of the line to her dead father.
For future reference, we have noted we thought the synth worked well to create this mood but our clip will be shorter depending on the clip sound.
We presented this to our class and they suggested that we make the noise quieter during the film so it is not too dominant in the scene, therefore making it more subtle tension.

Step Outline - Sound

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Reccee Photos (Attenborough Nature Reserve)

Attenborough Nature Reserve is a very good location, as it is very large and offers many locations, some of which are secluded and dark due to the large trees, there is a variety of potentially good shots, we chose a forest setting to give the film a wild, secluded feeling, as if the protagonists are miles away from civilization.

Media Portfolio: Recce for horror film (Attenborough nature reserve...

Media Portfolio: Recce for horror film (Attenborough nature reserve...: "These are pictures of the location we shall useAttenborough nature reserve Our location for the zombie horror film we are hoping to make, it..."