Thursday, 21 October 2010

Jaye and George's Final Assesment


We agree in our team that our 40 seconds took from "The Awakening Dead" deserves a high level 3 of 42 marks. The other 5 marks lost was down to poor continuity in three places due to angle degrees, no opening title and dark lightening. 

Personnal Evaluation: Callam Montgomery

Use of camera;
Our shots are entirely steady and i think this is shown very well in our finished work in all shots and camera movemment. Our shots are all framed with suitable lead and head room to all the shots, like where Chris runs having just stopped, there was plenty of room to show him running away.All characters that need to be seen can be seen clearly and if they are the focus we obeyed the rule of thirds to make them stand out. one of our shots was out of focus once we had zoomed, we need to remember that zooming means change the focus! We did use a fair amount of different shots as we have high angledshots onto peoples feet and onto the zombies, medium shots, two shots and close ups along with a few others. We obeyed the 180 degree rule we believe so the scene did not flip around, and the camera did not jump around so there was suitable movement.

Not all our shots flowed together smoothly as there was some warping around once the actors were stood in different places to where they were the shot before, however this was done on the set, the actual editing process went perfectly and all the other shots flow fine and the cuts are all in the correct places and everythings looks fine

The zombies wore normal clothes by normal people as they were once normal people, however we gave them dark clothes so that they would appear more gloomy and menacing, also that they are wearing similar colours makes them appear more to be a like a pack, so they are more menacing as they are working together. They also have bright red blood on them, this is in sharp contrast to there dark garments and is quite shocking, this is quite appropiate as they are dead so have been killed, and they kill poeople, in a very messy way so there would be blood.

The location is very secluded so makes the people seem more vunerable, there were also lots of trees around so there seemed to be no immediate way out so the danger was very imminant, however they are not in a very populated area where you would expect brain eating zombies to be, but they could of been chased there.

The actor occassionally looked at the camera which looks very strange and destroys the atmosphere, however the actors would do exactly as i said and played there parts fine and were not shy, once the actors are used to being on camera they will be fine. They also were happy to put make up on which is also quite good.

I mainly helped with placing the camera and and picking the shots, I also directed the actors exactly what to do and showed them how i wanted it done and wear they should stand and how they should stand like. I cut most of the shots together and helped decide which takes were best for the film.

We should really have been more careful of where the actors were and which way they were facing, as once inside to edit we cant change this so we should be more careful on set. We did all we could editing so the cuts and everything are fine, we could edit the sound so any background noise that isnt supposed to be there.

We will make sure poeple are in the same or similar positions to the shot before definetly next time and will make sure our actors are not so concsious of the camera, we will also give a longer time before and after the actual shot so we dont have any unwanted talking or noise.

Personal Evaluation: George Evans

Use Of The Camera:

Our shots throughout the film are completely steady because they were affixed to the tripod at all times with the tripod on the floor steady, no use of 'shaky cam' techniques were implemented, we framed all of the shots properly sticking to the rule of thirds principle during rehearsals and positioning of the camera.
We have used a variety of different shot types, including close ups and point of view shots, we had originaly intended to have a large amount of canted shots in order to replicate or model, however due to time restrictions only one of these made the final cut, we have also attemted the use of the 180 degree rule, although there are some continuity errors in the final cut that we did not have sufficient footage to replace.

Use Of Editing:

The shots did flow together well during the first half of the film, although unfortunately towards the end there are a few issues with inconsistancy, firstly when Ewan falls over, the next shot shows him in an entirely different location, also during the scene in which the humans jump over the fence they appear on the other side without any footage of them jumping over it.
We have chosen appropriate editing transistions, the scene in which chris jumps over the fence is paticularly well edited because the amount of useless footage between the two involved shots came collectively to 1 minute 34 seconds.

Selection of Content:

The costumes worn were that of everyday clothes worn by civilians, which I believe made the film appear more realistic, the make up was for the most part good, although our film was to be re made, I would have suggested a more blue-ish tone to the skin on the zombies, we did not use any props.
The film was set in a dark wood, which is a perfect setting because it conveys forboding feelings and mystery, also the area led to a dead end so there were minimal interuptions from passers by during the filming.
The actors in the film worked very well during the filming process, our team has used actor George Peat before and achieved a good result, so he was cast again as a zombie and along with the rest of the cast played a rather convincing role.

Self Assessment

I personally selected the part of the film that we were to copy, and recorded the shot times on a sheet, I then used this data to create a storyboard and we used this storyboard during filming, I was the camera man and assistant director, although admittedly Callam was in charge during most of the filming process.
I think that the finished film is ok, although there are a few things I would change, for instance there are a few continuity errors that need to be adressed, and we do not have sufficient footage to rectify this, the scene in which the humans jump over the fence suddenly cuts to them on the other side, I would also have the clothes worn by the zombies slightly torn to give the impression of a violant struggle.
In the final coursework film I will do a great deal more planning and put more work into the costumes, I will also attempt to record a lot more footage in oreder to ensure that segments with continuity errors can be fixed.

- George Ernest Evans

The Awakening Of The Dead (remake)

This is our most important movie yet, a remake of 'The Awakening Of The Dead'. 
The film has several issues, such as failure to achieve continuity in certain points, coupled with actors looking at the camera.

Our close up of one of the actors is also out of focus quite terribly.


George Peat
Leo Elbourne
Sancha O'Donnel
Emily Wright

Chris Grayson
Ewan Turner
Bethan Hay

Callam Montgomery

CameraMan/Assistant Director:
 "George' Ernest Evans

Casting: George Peat

Make-up: Callam and his assistants

Produced by: Zawesome Productions

Self Mark out of 60:

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Callam did this homework, basically we had to find a willing participant to consent to be dressed/made up as a zombie, here we have a shot before and after.

Recce for horror film (Attenborough nature reserve)

These are pictures of the location we shall use

Attenborough nature reserve

Our location for the zombie horror film we are hoping to make, it is secluded and large, allowing for a wide range of shots and space for filming

This is the homework we did in which we noted  certain aspects of three seperate zombie horror films, namely Shaun of the Dead, Night of the living dead, and George Peat (hoch, pew) did 28 days later

reccee sheets

This is our reccee sheet that we have created.
The location is appropriate because it is very large and secluded.
The area gives us a chance to create the lonely and unnerving feeling that we are aiming for in our zombie film.

Storyboard for film

This is our painstakingly drawn storyboard drawn by Geoffrrey Ernest 'George' Evans
It's just lovely

Friday, 15 October 2010

Thursday, 14 October 2010

'Framing' exercise

This is our framing exercise, featuring Callam and George.P, filmed by George.E
The only real concern is the focus on the extreme close up of George. P and Callam holding hands. REMEMBER change zoom = change focus
- Team ZaWeSoMe

We have stuck to the rule of thirds extensively

Our head room and lead room is fine

There is one continuity error at the beginning in which George randomly warps forward, we will address this issue. 

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


We like this frame because boths sets of zombies attract attention because of where they are placed in the frame, covering important points.

This shot is a good one because it focuses on the central character who is in the middle of the frame, giving an odd feeling to the viewer since the camera is aimed at them.
This is an action scene yet still keeps the headroom and covers the vital sections to gain the attention.

Muchos love.
we have adressed all of the problems to do with continuity and the film flows much smoother than the first try. However we need to remember to white balance correctly, as it is too blue! 23

love George. George and Callam 'The Beast' Montgomery

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Continuity Exercise

No we have not achieved continuity editing.
Our biggest mistake was not obeying the 30 degree rule when we changed angle and shot
. it was the scene in which our actor (George Peat) walked up to the door and in a separate shot pulled his phone out of his pocket, we did not move enough when we changed shot so the filmed just seemed to jump instead of an intentional camera movement.

At a scene at the beginning we zoomed into the walking scene, which was unprofessional.
We have included the number of shots we initially planned
It is relatively laid back
Be more confidant with the camera and be more organized


Stalker film

First filming experience

Have You Framed Your Shots Properly?Yes, we did rather well at framing the shots.
Have You Included The Number Of Shots You Planned? We have used all of the shots, apart from a close up.
Does Your Piece Have Pace/Atmosphere?Our video clearly represents the stalker. The cuts are made quite fast making the video seem slightly intense.
How Could It Be Improved?We think it could be improved by getting better actors. Also with more time we could probably have a better location and take more care with the shots.
Does It Make Sense/Flow? Does it Jump?Our project flows slightly. The order of events does make sense, however one of our characters who proclaims the victim’s death does move between shots to a different location.

1st blogg

1st blog thing

Well I think our group is pretty awesome...and I think this shall be a successful project ;)
Plus i changed font so the winky face was more clear...that could become some useful information